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Defining your Signature Style

Writer's picture: Dawn BenderDawn Bender

Do you struggle with deciding what to wear each day? Or find yourself wearing the same few items over and over even though you have an entire wardrobe full of garments? Maybe you buy a cute, trendy piece and each time you wear it you feel like you're playing dress up in someone else's clothes. Or you have a closet crammed so full you can barely fit another piece in but you "have nothing to wear". All of these have described me in the past but once I discovered the secret that I'm about to share it was a game changer! The Signature Style Statement. Maybe this is the first time you're hearing that phrase, maybe you received the Signature Style Statement Worksheet when you signed up for my newsletter and you just glanced it over but never gave it a second thought, or maybe you have the worksheet and already came up with your Signature Style Statement but now you didn't know what to do with it. In today's blog I'm going to walk you through how I helped one client curate her Signature Style Statement and overhaul her entire wardrobe.

Meet Jenny, she's an incredible wife (to my brother Rob) and mother to my nieces Cadence & Gracie and nephew Collin. This is a picture of us from her birthday last year. She's not only my sister-in-law, she's one of my best friends.

Recently Jenny started a new job at a local salon. She also worked hard this year to lose a bunch of weight. Both of those caused her to examine her current wardrobe and realize she needed an upgrade. She told me recently that she dressed like a stay-at-home mom. She lived in leggings or jeans and t-shirts or hoodies. While there's absolutely nothing wrong with dressing for comfort, she wasn't feeling comfortable or confident.

I would always gravitate towards the same 3-5 outfits. If I had an event to go to or if I was traveling out of town for an event or vacation, I always went shopping for those events. Obviously I had a closet packed full of clothes, they were just the wrong mismatched pieces. I had picked them up because they were on sale or they looked good enough on the hanger. However, I never felt very comfortable or confident in my clothes!

Jenny turned to me for help in curating her new wardrobe and the first thing we did was define her Signature Style Statement. I explained to her the importance of defining who she was and how she wanted to present herself to the world. She decided on "Fun, Friendly Cheerleader" and if you've ever met Jenny you'll know this defines her 100%! Now it was time to build a wardrobe that reflected this new mantra.

Our first step was to clean out her closet. As you can see from the "before" picture here Jenny's closet was packed to the brim with clothes, shoes, and accessories. Plus there were storage containers under the bed crammed full of sweaters. I could barely walk in her closet without stepping on something and she didn't even know what she had in there. I told her it was time to start purging. First, get rid of everything that didn't fit, was ripped or stained, or she just didn't want anymore. The next step was to qualify each piece by comparing it to her new Signature Style Statement. If it didn't match her new statement it needed to go. She ended up purging and donating 8 bags to a local thrift store.

Next up, it was time to go shopping for her new wardrobe. Armed with her color swatches, Signature Style Statement, and the latest trends we got to work. We spent most of our time at TJ Maxx. After loading 2 carts full of pieces we headed to the dressing room. Each piece was measured by the following:

  1. Is it the right color? Does it match her color swatches?

  2. Does it fit her body? Jenny has a "b" body shape so we needed to make sure to choose items to flatter her.

  3. Does the piece reflect her Signature Style Statement? The biggest question I asked her was does it feel fun?

I learned so much during the process! There were pieces I found while we were shopping that I always wanted to try on, but honestly, I was almost intimidated by them! I had no idea what to do with sequins or leather! I had no idea I could dress my personality, as well as my body!

Finally it was time for her to organize her closet with her new clothes. Look at the after pic, what a huge difference! You can even see the floor! Now came the fun part - putting together her new outfits. I have seen Jenny's confidence grow as she learns to dress according to her new Signature Style Statement. She now gets dressed with intention each day, selecting her clothes on purpose. Here are a few of her fabulous outfits:

Now that my wardrobe is built out of pieces that fit and match my body and personality, getting dressed is so much easier every day. I used to lean towards wearing leggings and an oversized shirt for going most places. Now I dress to my style statement, which is more fun and much less stress!

If you're tired of struggling to curate your wardrobe, I'd love to suggest following the same steps Jenny did. If you haven't yet received your free Signature Style Statement worksheet you can request one by registering on my website or emailing me at You can also schedule a Personalized Style Session. Check out my YouTube video for more information on how to write your own Signature Style Statement.


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